Monday, May 4, 2015

30"+ Hand Carved English Wooden Doll in the Works, meet Clementine! ..........................SOLD

Clementine is amazing...  HUGE!!!
This is the largest English wooden that I have carved in this style.  If she were old, she would be from the very late 1700's or early 1800's.  Her patina is wonderful and she truly does look old.  Much nicer in person but you get the idea.......................
She would need a large chair........or she stands well on a large doll stand.
I have decided she needs a big name so I have called her Clementine.  I will keep showing photos of her as she nears completion.  Keep watching!
Clementine is now finished and SOLD
Scroll down to see lots of photos of her.

Clementine is SOLD

I am working on her high empire style high waisted petticoat..............all made from antique whites with great old patina to match her cap.
She will also have a gown.......soon!

Every stitch on this 1700's cap is hand stitched..........the tiniest stiches you have ever seen!

...................and her silk shoes are finished now!


 She sits well.....
 Just had to share this photo sweet!
Clementine stands a little over 30" tall and she is SOLD
If you have questions or would like more photos just email me:

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