Email me to see what doll I am working on!!

Don't forget to click "OLDER POSTS" at the bottom of each page to take a tour through several years of dolls that I have made.

If you would like to know more about the dolls I am working on now, just email me:

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Some more new Sliver Sisters......................

I just had to share some photos of the 4 new Sliver Sisters that are now completed.  The 9" lady with the flat hat and the 9" baby in the sage gown with lace are SOLD.  They are the dolls on the left and the right of the photo directly below.  Click each photo to make them larger!
There are two 9" dolls, one is a lady and the other is a baby  SOLD(although I have her standing in this photo), one 6" baby  SOLD   and one 11" black lady (I love her!) SOLD
If you would like more photos, just email me


Martha from ilove2paint said...

Beautiful work!!!! love them all!

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Kathy they are wonderful and I do so like the ebony skinned one, right down to her red paisley dress.
Hope all is well in the North.
Susan x

Heckety said...

They are all so lovely and they each have their own character too. You are so CLEVER!

Dolls from the Attic said...

Wonderful as always!..You are amazing!

Michele Barnes said...

Your dolls are simply gorgeous. I am so pleased to have found your blog. Michele

Jennifer said...

The black lady has a regal appearance and yet caring the others are chic yet stern. What fun! Jennifer