Monday, November 23, 2009

Carolina is holding baby Joy.....


Yes, I have just completed baby Joy.  She is 14" long plus her long handmade gown.
She is dressed in antique cotton fabric and lace from head to toe and has an antique cotton chemise under her gown too. Joy is jointed at the hips but has straight legs that are hand carved but do not bend at the knee.
She has antique black glass eyes like the others I have done recently but she is a baby. She looks wonderful held by Carolina, the 28" doll that I finished off last week. Carolina is available at this time for sale. CAROLINA IS NOW SOLD. The baby is SOLD.
Now I see that I have a photo in here with Carolina holding Coral?? Not sure how that happened. If you would like more photos of baby Joy, just let me know and I can email some.
Joy is finished and ready for adoption! She would love to live in an antique cradle.
Thanks for looking.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathy,
    Baby Joy Is ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!!! It is no wonder she has sold so fast. What a lucky lady who got her. Baby Lily is telling me she needs a playmate. I think she may be right!!!
